Thursday, May 29, 2008

2 month old Benjamin!

I can't believe little Benjamin is two months old! He is doing so well and at today's two month check up Doctor Stone said you would never know this child was sick if he didn't have his scar on his back. He weighed in right at 12 pounds today and was 80% in height and weight! Amazing!

His first sweet gummy grin and laugh started about 2 weeks ago and his brother Barrett is usually the one who can get the biggest grins! He also started cooing and "talking" to us a ton.

Last weekend we were able to run (Jerry) and walk (Melanie and the boys) in the 5k Children's hospital run. We wanted to share a pic of all the Red Mountain Church folks who were there!


Kate said...

Good job to all the Grants!

amy & ashley said...

what a cutie! jerry has a mini-me.

good to see you guys this past weekend, despite the circumstances. :)